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The Lady in the Mist (The Western Werewolf Legend #1) Page 7

  Suddenly, the air stilled as she caught a whiff of something on the breeze.. If she wasn’t mistaken, she’d run into the same sort odor, like something rotten before in the mercantile. “Do you smell that?” she asked Ty.

  “Yeah,” he sniffed. “Something dead.” Glancing at the opposite bank, he searched for the cause.

  Sonja’s stomach tightened. The lieutenant’s sense of smell grew as acute as her own. The picture of him downing the ox blood formed in her mind’s eye. In reality, her blood coursed through his veins. “Probably an animal carcass.” Trying to sound nonchalant, she shrugged before resuming the apple cutting.

  Irritated at her on inability to avoid thinking about what she’d done, Sonja bore down on the nerves that wanted to run rampant through her. She didn’t need to be reminded of the life altering change she’d unwittingly set into motion with the offering of her own blood to save him. Damn Hortence to hell and back! The old woman could have explained what would happen if Sonja shared the ‘gift’ of her blood with the lieutenant.

  Glancing up as Ty expertly tossed the line out near a pile of fallen limbs, Sonja considered Hortence’s words. All she’d said was Sonja would have remarkable healing powers, so she’d done the only thing she could do – she’d offered of herself. She paused looking down at her hands. A tingling stirred and she clinched them tight.

  Within seconds, Ty had a bite, yanking back on the pole. Soon, he turned holding a large white perch for her approval. With her face wreathed in a smile, Sonja’s inner voice cried out, “What have you done?”

  Ty’s talent for fishing proved to be genuine. Soon he was skinning four good-sized perch.

  “Well, shit!” Ty dropped the knife before clutching his index finger.

  “What did you do?” Sonja rushed to his side.

  He’d hunkered down near the water’s edge. “Well, since I’m bleeding, I must’ve cut myself.” She could hear the petulance in his voice. Patience would rule the day, she reminded herself.

  “Here let me see.”

  Ty paused before giving her his hand. If she wasn’t mistaken, he worked at reigning in his temper. She couldn’t help the smile that slipped by her guard.

  “The cut’s not too deep. You should be all right.” Sonja glanced into his face. There lay a longing the likes of which she’d never seen before. She hesitated.

  He reached out to run one slim finger down the line of her cheek. Sonja’s mind blanked as warmth rippled down her spine before pooling in her belly. Slowly, she tore her gaze from his, those vibrant blue eyes of his urging her to…do what? Irritation passed through her as she shifted away to rent a piece of her mended petticoat off to use as a bandage. Sonja took his hand again.

  Intending to bandage the wound, she blinked in amazement when she realized the cut had closed. Even though the injury wasn’t deep, she wanted to dress the cut. There had to be some mistake! The wound had closed. The only visible sign of an accident having occurred was a tiny pink scar. Quickly, she rose as the beating of her heart increased. Her eyes widened despite her mental order to the contrary. Sinking her trembling fingers into the folds of her skirt, she hastily moved out of reach. If she stayed where she was, she’d blurt out her apologies and throw herself on the altar of his mercy. “You’ll live,” she said as unconcerned as she could manage and went back to laying out the rest of the picnic.

  “How’d you…that’s amazing!” Ty stood abruptly. Continuing to stare at his hand, he murmured an oath and glanced in her direction. The look of astonished disbelief on his face knocked her back.

  “Look, the cut closed.” He ran a thumb over the scar.


  Immediately, Ty reached for her. Taking her by the arm, he peered deep into her eyes and said, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” What will he do when he finds out the truth? Her mind screamed.

  For the time being, there he stood with a strip of her petticoat wrapped around his finger. She couldn’t look back. She’d say something stupid and he’d grow even more suspicious. If she lived to be a hundred, she’d always carry a mental picture of the breathtaking man, broad of shoulder and slim of hip, standing with his silky mane of dark hair splayed over his shoulders, his intense blue eyes stripping her bare as he watched her.

  “Why don’t you finish cleaning those while I get a fire started,” she said as she turned away.


  Sonja tensed.

  “You’re gonna have to tell me how you managed that.” He sounded nonchalant as he walked up to the quilt she’d splayed on the ground.

  Panic began to worm its way into her control. Sonja took the fish from him and gave him a hesitant “Thank you.” Rather than address his command, she busied herself with tending to their food. If she acted guilty, he would have questions, so she tried for conversational. “These look wonderful.” Forcing a smile on her face, she glanced up in time to see him standing over her looking intense again. Her heart tripped in her chest. Please, don’t look at me like that, her mind begged. “See if you can gather some hickory. We’ll construct a makeshift grill.”

  “All right.” Ty’s voice held an edge.

  He walked away. Her hands were shaking so bad, she had to wrap them around herself. How long could she keep the truth from him?


  “You didn’t finish your fish,” Ty chided when she laid her plate down and moaned.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite,” she told him with a satisfied grin. “Your talents just keep mounting.” Sonja stretched out on her side resting her head in her hand. “If you keep this up, I’ll be hard pressed to let you leave.”

  In a low voice that reverberated through her like a lingering caress, Ty said, “I wouldn’t argue with a beautiful woman. I’m yours as long as you want me.”

  Warmth flowed through her. The need settled in the pit of her stomach. “I’m not beautiful,” she countered dropping her eyes to the quilt. Nerves had her making a circle in the pattern with her finger.

  “How can you say that?” He reached over taking her chin in his fingers. “You have a face that speaks to me.” Ty spoke softly, reverently.

  The air around them sizzled. Her own heart beat hard against her ribcage. “Please don’t, Lieutenant.” She tried to move back. He held her fast.

  “Sonja.” Her name sounded so right on his tongue. “Look at me.”

  His voice had gone whiskey rough. She had to put a stop to his intentions but couldn’t break the hold of his fingers on her skin, though big and rough, they held her gentle as a night breeze. She met his eyes.

  “I don’t know if you’re aware of how beautiful you are. Perhaps, you’ve forgotten the feeling of being considered by a man’s admiration, but I’m telling you here and now. I don’t exaggerate. You’re as lovely as a summer sun, with warmth that draws on a man’s desire. Sensitive, caring and determined, you light the room when you come through the door.”

  The smile he offered curled her toes. Sonja couldn’t speak.

  “Don’t let me hear you deny who you are again. Do you hear me?” Leaning in, Ty’s lips touched hers with a light, teasing kiss with enough heat to steal her calm.

  The kiss held an unexpected measure of wildness in his taste. Sonja found she didn’t want to pull away. Instead, she kissed him back, at first, with a hesitant, testing pressure. Her world tilted. Savoring the kiss, she let herself be swept away by the contact. Ty’s fingers left her chin as he pulled her closer to murmur something soft against her cheek. Tightening his hold on her, he whispered his admiration for her along the line of her ear. The reverberating sound his voice made had her muscles relaxing before her mind shut down completely. “Sonja,” he said.

  “Hum?” She didn’t want to let go. She’d lost the will to fight somewhere between the hot, wet kisses he trailed down her shoulder and his next words.

  “You’ve cast some sort of spell over me, nymph.”

  That jerked her back. Sonja’s mind screamed out i
n a strangled voice, Stop before you can’t!” Her hands started shoving at his chest before her mind had time to be fully aware of her actions. “No, no…” Desperation surfaced as Sonja sat up. With a deep sigh, she tried to focus. The kiss had left her hungry, not to mention needy. Questioning her own stability, she started to rise. His big hand reached up gripping her forearm.

  “Don’t.” Simply put the words held such a beseeching plea. “I won’t hurt you, Sonja. I promise.”

  She turned to stare into those haunting eyes. “It’s not you I’m worried about.” She hated the unease in her voice.

  “I’m a full-grown man. I’ve killed. I’ve almost died. Let me savor the taste of you, nymph. To kiss you is all I want today.” He scanned her face as if seeing her for the first time. “I promise. When we make love, I want you to be ready.”

  As if he were a stranger, Sonja searched his face. Never had she experienced such an awakening. Feeling sure he meant exactly what he said, she eased her struggle and laid down her burden of guilt for the moment. There would be plenty of time to exercise that demon in the days to come.

  His hands splayed in her hair. His fingers glided along her spine and she turned to him in release. Release, she told herself lived inside her, not a yearning for more. The need pulsing through her rode in cadence with his. He had a man’s lust, that’s all. Lust would be enough. So under the trees they lay in each other’s arms and shared the bliss few could claim.

  The tender moments shared with the lieutenant were precious jewels Sonja swore she would tuck away to revisit when he left her behind. She would do her best to convince herself the memories would be enough. Closing her eyes on a moan when he caught the lobe of her ear between his teeth, Sonja shoved the particulars to the back of her mind before drifting on the Lieutenant’s attentions.

  She found him to be a hopeless romantic. The refurbished saddle should have been a clue. The way he wooed her, courting her under the dapple shade of the great old oak solidified her conclusion that the lieutenant was indeed a man with a gentle hand with the skilled patience for romancing a woman.

  The afternoon passed similar to the slow moving waters of the creek with an easy, carefree tempo. They talked, walked, and shared in the pleasure of each other’s company. Even an afternoon nap proved most enjoyable with the lieutenant. Sonja stretched like a cat lazing in the sun before cutting her gaze to him as he lay with his eyes closed next to her. He’d told the truth and courted her properly during their time together. Wrapping her arms tight, she relished in the feeling of power that gave her. Her hand itched to lean over and run a finger along the long, straight length of his nose letting the digit curve up with the contours of his lips. His lashes were thick and splayed across his cheeks like a dark and sensuous fan. She wanted to learn all of the lieutenant’s secrets and absorb all he had to offer.

  A slim oak leaf from the tree above proved a perfect tool of torment. Sonja positioned the leaf above Ty’s nose. Stifling the giggle building inside, she brushed the leaf along the bridge of his nose. His hand came up and swatted at the intruder. Eyes still closed, he grunted in his sleep before rolling away from her. The move didn’t stop her. Next she tested his ear lop while watching for his next response. Again, he moved a shoulder and murmured something unintelligible. Feeling brave, Sonja moved to the middle of his ear and tickled the most sensitive area.

  Ty’s hand shot up forming a vice around her wrist.

  She yelped. “Oh, oh…I.”

  Hauling her atop him, Ty looked deep into her eyes and smiled. “If you’d wanted my attention, nymph, all you had to do was call.” His smile forced the breath from Sonja. Raising his head, he moved quickly capturing her mouth with a hunger he hadn’t shared with her before. Sonja fought for control and shoved back, wiping her free hand across her mouth before releasing the breath, she hadn’t realized she held. Her lips were swollen and tingled.

  “Your punishment for tormenting me.” His grin widened.

  When she registered the joking in his tone, Sonja giggled. “You think it’s funny?” He grabbed her about the waist and tickled. “Two can play at this game, nymph.” His fingers tortured her ribs as her laughter floated on the air.

  “Please, oh…” She tried to get away. He rolled pinning her between his leanly muscled legs.

  “Please what?” he asked. His eyes bore into her with their vibrancy. “What, pray tell does the nymph want? Does she desire freedom or perhaps she wants something more.” He eased the taunting long enough to allow her to answer. “Answer me, nymph. What do you want?”

  Sonja’s giggles subsided as she scanned his face. Reaching up she stroked a slender finger along his high cheekbone. The strangest of emotions rushed forth. Love broke through swamping her in its intensity. Still, she couldn’t say the words that would expose her true feelings to him. “I want you to stay, please.” She finished by reaching for his hand, the same strong hand that had plagued her so good naturedly only moments before. Laying his fingers over her breast, she reached behind his head with her free hand and pulled him down.

  Ty gave a little growl of need deep in his throat as he obeyed. He trailed kisses mingled with tiny bites of pleasure along her skin until hampered by the cloth of her bodice he unbuttoned her blouse. His tongue sucked her areola into a taught, dark peak.

  Sonja bowed up as the moan collected in her. Staring into the treetops, she examined the sunlight dancing in them without seeing. The pleasure of his mouth brought her to new heights of passion.

  “Does that feel good, nymph?” His voice held a deep inflection. Sonja reared up gathering his face in her hands. “Lie with me.” Her throat wanted to close. She searched his face breathing out the words again. “Lie with me.”

  He rolled with her until she sat straddle atop him. His shaft, hard and uncompromising, pressed against the tender flesh of her most private of places. “I can’t. Not yet.”

  “But why?” Bewildered and trembling now, Sonja clutched her arms across her exposed breasts. “I thought you wanted to.”

  He sat up so fast, she gasped. “I want nothing more than to lie with you to make love to you like you deserve.” He kissed her tenderly on the lips. “But I want our time to be special. In a real bed with all the pleasures that come from the freedom of a lover’s haven. You and I will share that, nymph. I promise.” His features broke into a grin that was wicked. “For the time being, I want you as hot and bothered as I am so when it’s right, we’ll appreciate the pleasure even more.”

  Lowering her head, Sonja bottom lip protruded as she toyed with the buttons of his shirt. “It’s been so long…” She trailed off before starting to rise.


  Ty anchored her again on his lap. The feel of her female flesh against his shaft had him jumping with the need to fill her. He rose to meet her gaze. Speaking softly, he said, “I want you to remember the first time for the rest of your life. Understand. If we rutted out here in the grass, the act would be fun, but it wouldn’t be as special as the first time should be. Believe me, nymph, I want you so bad right now, I could come without trying. He closed his eyes before sucking in air as she rocked on his cock making the need to think almost impossible. With a firm hold, he eased her to the quilt beside him. Looking into her eyes, Ty smiled as he kissed the tip of her slender nose. “I want to know you before we make love. You deserve that from the man you take to your bed. Okay?”

  Sonja nodded. Biting her bottom lip, she shook her head side to side. “I don’t want you to think I’m a loose woman, Lieutenant.” Her use of his military rank came out shaky before she brushed away a tear. ‘It’s just…” She trailed off and sniffed. “It’s just that…”


  “Nothing.” Shaking her head, she rolled away from him to stand. “We better get back. It’ll be getting dark soon.”

  Reaching out, she offered him her hand. He took the slender digits. Surprised at her strength when she helped him to his feet, he made the comment. “You’re quite st
rong for such a small woman.”

  Her face went ashen before she looked away.

  “I’m sorry!” He didn’t understand what went wrong. What had he said?

  She looked stricken and shut down again, her face closing off from him. Doubting she would tell him outright, Ty tried instead to make up ground by helping clear the refreshments she’d prepared. He’d figure out what he’d done wrong. He had to.

  With the onset of darkness, they road toward home, each one sat in silence wondering how to fix the thing standing between them.

  The forest grew lonely and too quiet for his peace of mind. Watching the road ahead, he glanced behind them from time to time. The faint stench he’d smelled near the creek returned. Keeping a keen eye in all directions, he gave the mule a nudge for home.

  Sonja shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Ty asked.

  “A little,” She shook her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be all right.” Sonja leaned into his warm. Suddenly, she tensed in his arms. Her body arched against his. He could feel her heart beating through her chest wall. The sheer force of the pounding caused him to consider her well-being.

  “Easy, I got you.”

  She moaned when the perspiration broke on her forehead.

  Ty leaned over to check her temperature. “You’re burning up!” Ty gripped her tight. “Hold on, Sonja, I’ll get you home.”

  Splinters flew when he kicked the door in heading for the bed. Her condition had grown increasingly worse the closer they got to the cottage. Laying her out on the quilt, Ty checked her temperature as well as her pulse again. “Something’s definitely wrong,” he murmured to himself. Her heart raced as if the organ would leap out of her chest. Her breath came too rapidly.

  Chapter 4

  Over the past several minutes, her breathing had weakened to a shallow pant. Her digression into some sort of fit had him all but paralyzed. Unable to decipher if she dreamed or fell into some sort of trance, Ty realized he could do no more than keep her comfortable and wait.